Shield your business from unforeseen risks with comprehensive liability insurance.

What is Liability Insurance?

Commercial Liability Insurance is a broad category of insurance designed to protect businesses from financial losses that could result from liability claims. These claims may arise due to injuries, property damage, accidents, or negligence that occur in connection with the business’s operations, products, or services. This type of insurance helps cover the costs associated with legal defense, settlements, and court judgments.

Our Range of Commercial Liability Insurance:

  • Carrier Legal Liability

    Protects transportation companies (carriers) from financial loss if goods being transported are damaged or lost due to their negligence.

  • Crime Insurance

    Covers losses resulting from crimes like employee theft, fraud, forgery, or other criminal acts against a business.

  • Commercial General Liability (CGL)

    Offers broad coverage for businesses against claims of bodily injury, property damage, and personal and advertising injury that occur on the business premises or due to business operations.

  • Cyber Insurance

    Protects businesses from losses related to cyber-attacks, data breaches, and other technology-related risks, including the costs of data recovery, legal fees, and customer notification.

  • Directors & Officers (D&O) Liability

    Covers the personal liabilities of directors and officers in a company for wrongful acts in their management decisions, such as breaches of duty, neglect, or errors.

  • Errors & Omissions (E&O) Insurance

    Also known as Professional Liability Insurance, it covers professionals (like doctors, lawyers, consultants) against claims of negligence or inadequate work resulting in financial losses for their clients.

  • Product Liability Insurance

    Protects manufacturers, distributors, and retailers from legal claims arising due to injuries or damages caused by defective or unsafe products.

  • Title Insurance

    Protects property owners and lenders against losses from disputes over property ownership or title defects.

  • Trade Credit Insurance

    Covers businesses against losses from non-payment of commercial debts, helping to protect cash flow and maintain financial stability.

  • Public Liability Act Insurance

    Provides coverage for businesses against legal liabilities to third parties due to bodily injury or property damage caused by business activities in public spaces.

  • Professional Indemnity Insurance

    Similar to E&O, it protects professionals against claims for damages arising from professional services, advice, or failure to perform duties competently.

Whose needs Liability Insurance cover?

Why do you need Liability Insurance?

  • Legal Fee Coverage

    Handles the substantial costs of legal defense.

  • Injury Compensation

    Provides financial support for third-party injury claims.

  • Property Damage Coverage

    Funds repairs or replacements for damaged property.

  • Boosts Business Reputation

    Reflects your proactive approach to risk management.

  • Risk Handling

    Aids in effectively managing routine business risks.

Benefits of Liability Insurance

Financial Protection Against Lawsuits

Covers legal costs, including attorney fees, court costs, and settlements or judgments if you are found legally responsible for causing injury or property damage.

Property Damage Coverage

Provides compensation for damages caused to third-party property due to your actions or negligence.

Protects Personal and Business Assets

Helps safeguard personal or business assets by covering the costs associated with a liability claim, preventing severe financial loss.

Covers Employee Actions

In many policies, employee actions that lead to accidents or damages are covered, protecting the business from the consequences of employee mistakes.

What does Liability Insurance cover & exclude?

Coverage Description Exclusions Description
Legal Defense Costs
Covers expenses related to defending against lawsuits.
Intentional Acts
Claims arising from deliberate or fraudulent actions.
Bodily Injury Claims
Provides financial support for injuries caused to others.
Contractual Liabilities
Responsibilities assumed through contracts beyond standard liability.
Property Damage
Covers costs for damage to someone else’s property.
Employee Injuries
Typically covered by Workers’ Compensation insurance.
Medical Expenses
Pays for medical bills of injured parties.
Professional Errors
Specific errors or omissions might require separate Professional Liability Insurance.
Settlements and Judgments
Covers payments for settlements or court-awarded damages.
Property Damage to Own Property
Damages to your own property are usually not covered.
Personal Injury Claims
Covers claims for non-physical harm, such as defamation.
Employment-related Issues
Issues related to employment are typically covered by Employment Practices Liability Insurance.
Libel and Slander
Provides coverage for claims of defamation or false statements.
Intentional Acts of Defamation
Claims arising from deliberate defamation are not covered.
Product Liability
Covers claims related to defective products (may require additional coverage).
Defective Products
Liability for defective products might need separate product liability insurance.
Data Breach Liability
Covers costs related to data breaches (may require additional cyber liability insurance).
Cybersecurity Breaches
Coverage for cybersecurity breaches might need separate cyber liability insurance.
False Arrest or Detainment
Provides coverage for claims related to wrongful arrest or detainment.
Regulatory Fines
Penalties or fines imposed by regulatory agencies are not covered.
Advertising Injury
Covers claims related to false advertising or copyright infringement.
Intentional Misrepresentation
Claims arising from intentional misrepresentation are not covered.

When can you Claim Liability Insurance?

  • Accidents or Incidents: When an accident or incident causes bodily injury or property damage to a third party.
  • Legal Actions: If you are sued or face legal actions due to alleged negligence, mistakes, or omissions in your professional duties.
  • Defamation Claims: When accused of libel, slander, or other forms of defamation.
  • Product Issues: If a product you manufactured or sold causes harm or damage, leading to claims.
  • Data Breaches: When a data breach results in financial loss or liability for affected parties.
  • False Arrest or Detainment: If accused of wrongful arrest or detention.
  • Advertising Injuries: When claims arise from false advertising or intellectual property infringement.


It typically covers legal defense costs, bodily injury claims, property damage expenses, medical expenses, settlements and judgments, personal injury claims, libel and slander, product liability, and false arrest or detainment.

Premiums are based on various factors including the type of business, industry risks, location, size of the business, claims history, and coverage limits.

Employee-related issues such as wrongful termination or harassment are generally covered under Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI), not Commercial Liability Insurance.

It’s not typically mandated by law, but it may be required by clients, contracts, or business licenses, and it is generally a best practice for managing business risks.

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